Monday, April 22, 2013

End of the semester!

I have definitely been lacking the wherewithall to keep on trucking through this project and work as hard as I possibly could on it. That's not to say I'm not proud of what I've accomplished. I went from knowing absolutely no type of code of GML to having a mastery somewhere between beginner and intermediate. Granted the language is really simple, but nonetheless I am happy with what I've learned.
This week I finally got my enemies to stop moving once they were frozen. I've been trying to mess around with this for about two weeks now and I was never able to figure it out. The last thing I need to get done before the semester is over is having the camera follow the player so he has access to a larger area and can chase enemies.
Once this semester is over I am still going to continue work on War+, and I will continue to post theses blogs. I am just happy that I will be doing it on my own volition and not for a grade.

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