So this week I got a lot done.... but I could have gotten a lot more done unfortunately. I had a great time yesterday (Sunday) hanging out with Michele! We got to spend the whole day together since I had off of work. This week's Valentine's Day and I'm really excited. I'm cooking dinner and it's gonna be a surprise!
My game is going along nicely, but like I said I could be further along. I have the AI working pretty well for the Tank enemy. When you get close to the enemy it will start chasing and shooting at the player, taking down 10 out of 100 health as it hits you. Also the enemy starts walking around until the player is within range making hitting them a little harder and giving the enemy a lifelike aspect. All that needs to be added is the code for the enemy to take the character the player protects away.
This week I am going to finish up that part of the AI and add in environmental elements that will help destroy the enemy. I would also like to add in an ammo system so the player has to reload after a certain number of shots. Once that is done I am going to upload the game for everyone who wants to play it. Feedback is highly encouraged when it finally is uploaded.
I keep getting sucked into this game and I love it, but I have other classes that get neglected when I become consumed with this task. I need to start focusing on studying spanish and biology as well as my internship. Of course Valentine's Day is also an obstacle because I'm going to be spending a lot of time with Michele, but I don't mind that at all
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